Sunday 4 March 2007

Evgeniya Arel - Unwitting Temporary Constable?

Police put a private citizen's life at risk as part of a roadblock... then just walk away and say it's her problem.
Evgeniya stated that a policeman started screaming into her window, "Stop, stop ..." thereby blocking the exit of the car park in Mt Albert.
Within seconds an alleged offender fleeing the car park smashed into the back of her car causing damage estimated at thousands of dollars.

"It's not acceptable. I don't want to be put on the road to stop the crime ... if I had a baby in the back seat it would be dead," she said.

Senior Sergeant Marty Brown admitted to the "extensive damage" to a civilian's car during the chase.
Brown said police cars were moved out of the way if a crash looked likely due to the risk of injury.

After Evgeniya was initially told by Police at the scene that "they would sort it out", an about face was almost immediately directed from a higher authority.

The all too common disclaimer from the police officer at the scene "unable to comment, the matter was before the courts".

Correction The matter of the alleged offender might be before the Courts and subject to suppression, the matter of recklessly endangering the public by sworn officers is not.

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