Thursday 24 May 2007

Feminised Police Policy in Action?

Found on the Internet

Just watched Police 10 - 7

The scene was of a male clearly the victim of assault accusing his (Female) partner of committing the assault. Police approached her. She admitted it.

Now here is the twist. The male was told that if they proceeded to arrest her CYFS would have to be informed and would remove the children forthwith.

The man replied that he was their father, why could he not look after the children? He was informed that that was policy.

Remember this was on national TV

The last shot was of the male despondently walking away".
(Also posted on various sites)

Policewatch has attempted to ascertain the truth of content in this matter but has been declined by the Producers of the Program.

Re: Obtaining Police Ten 7 footage.
Thank you for your email and phonecall regarding Police Ten 7.
While I appreciate your interest in the item I am not in a position to be able to release this footage to you.
Given the sensitive nature of the material featured in the programme Screentime Ltd does not release any footage, episode transcripts or otherwise to the public and so I am unable to help you any further with your request.
Kind Regards
Sarah-Luise Hornblow

Perhaps the Police themselves could explain as in an earlier episode a male assaulted a female who did not want to prosecute yet they invoked prosecution under their own powers.

And perhaps, the alleged blackmailing of the male victim and father with the threat of CYFS involvement also requires explanation.

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